Upcoming Events
Winter 2025: Thematic trimester at IHP: Representation Theory and Noncommutative Geometry
04/24/2025: Séminaire virtuel francophone Groupes et géométrie
06/2025: NSF-CBMS conference Representations of p-adic groups and noncommutative geometry, St. Johns University, New York
Past talks
01/2025: Workshop Intertwining operators and geometry, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
11/2024: Workshop OpART, station biologique de Besse (mini-course)
10/2024: Journées SL2R, University of Strasbourg
09/2024: Seminar Operator Algebras, University of Paris Cité
03/2024: Seminar Analysis, logic, & physics, VCU
01/2024: Seminar TIWID, AIM research community RTNCG
11/2023: Workshop Representation theory and noncommutative geometry, Washington University in St Louis 09/2023: On the Mackey analogy, Mathematics Colloquium, William & Mary
04/2023: Pi Mu Epsilon induction ceremony, William & Mary
11/2022: Antiunitary representations and modular theory, GAG seminar, William & Mary
05/2022: AMS West. Sectional, Session on Advances in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory
03/2022: AMS East. Sectional, Session on Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces
02/2022: Imprimitivity, from finite groups to C*-algebras, GAG seminar, William & Mary
11/2021: Noncommutative distances on graphs, GAG seminar, William & Mary
04/2021: Subfactors and the Jones polynomial, GAG seminar, William & Mary
04/2021: Group C*-algebras, II, Harmonic Analysis seminar, Louisiana State University
03/2021: Group C*-algebras, I, Harmonic Analysis seminar, Louisiana State University
03/2021: Subfactors and the Jones Index, GAG seminar, William & Mary
03/2021: Von Neumann algebras, GAG seminar, William & Mary
10/2020: Essential representations of real reductive groups, NYC Noncommutative Geometry Seminar
09/2020: Introduction to quantum groups, I. GAG seminar, William & Mary
02/2020: Intertwiners for the universal principal series, Noncommutative Geometry seminar, Penn State
02/2020: K-theory of the tempered dual of real reductive groups, II, GAG seminar, William & Mary
02/2020: K-theory of the tempered dual of real reductive groups, I, GAG seminar, William & Mary
10/2019: Symmetries in Harmonic Analysis Mathematics Colloquium, William & Mary
10/2019: Cartan motion groups and Mackey's analogy GAG seminar, William & Mary
10/2019: Tempered representations and NCG Seminar of the Mathematics Department, Hampton University
09/2019: Characteristic polynomials of representations GAG seminar, William & Mary
06/2019: Entrelacements C*-algébriques, Geometry, Algebra, Operator Algebra, Université Clermont Auvergne
05/2019: Noncommutative Geometry Festival 2019, Washington University in St Louis
04/2019: Hilbert C*-modules and applications, III, GAG seminar, William & Mary
02/2019: Hilbert C*-modules and applications, II, GAG seminar, William & Mary
01/2019: Hilbert C*-modules and applications, I, GAG seminar, William & Mary
11/2018: C*-correspondences in representation theory Analysis seminar, Washington University in St Louis
10/2018: Topology on the unitary dual: discrete series, GAG seminar, William & Mary
07/2018: The reduced C*-algebra of reductive groups, K-theory, Hecke Algebras and Representation Theory, marking the 75th birthday of R.Plymen, University of Sheffield
04/2018: Fusion rules for discrete series of symplectic groups, Noncommutative Geometry seminar, Penn State
02/2018: Discrete series of SL(2,R), GAG seminar, William & Mary
02/2018: Noncommutative Geometry and the tempered dual of Lie groups, ALP seminar, VCU
11/2017: Square-integrable representations, GAG seminar, William & Mary
11/2017: Representations of compact groups: Peter-Weyl Theory, GAG seminar, William & Mary
10/2017: Group (operator) algebras, GAG seminar, William & Mary
05/2017: Achilles, the Tortoise and other confusing things, Family Academic Programs, Johns Hopkins CTY
03/2017: The tempered dual and the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism, Lie Groups Seminar, Cornell University
02/2017: Noncommutative geometry methods in representation theory, Colloquium, William & Mary
02/2017: Full C*-algebras of Lie groups III: Heisenberg groups, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
01/2017: Full C*-algebras of Lie groups II: Heisenberg groups, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
01/2017: Full C*-algebras of Lie groups I: norm-controlled dual limits, FA Seminar, Dartmouth College
01/2017: AMS Special session in honor of Gestur Ólafsson's 65th birthday, Joint Meetings, Atlanta
09/2016: Tempered representations: the stellar picture, Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics, Tufts
09/2016: The reduced C*-algebra of a real reductive groups and its K-theory, Lie groups seminar, MIT
05/2016: Bruhat theory and intertwining integrals, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
04/2016: Mathematical infinities and some paradoxes, Family Academic Programs, Johns Hopkins CTY
04/2016: Representation-theoretic aspects of the Connes-Kasparov Conjecture, NHOTS, U. of New Hampshire
02/2016: Amenable representations of group C*-algebras, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
11/2015: Bernstein-Reznikov integrals for Sp(n,C), Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
11/2015: Fourier picture of Knapp-Stein intertwiners, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
09/2015: Maudlinear structures: axioms and examples, Linear Structures seminar
09/2015: Branching laws and invariant trilinear forms, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
04/2015: Hosts and induced representations, NHOTS, U. of New Hampshire
04/2015: Chebyshev polynomials: classical properties and beyond, GTNA reading group
04/2015: Frobenius reciprocity, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
02/2015: Polyhedral summability of Fourier series, GTNA reading group
02/2015: Structure of the universal principal series, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
02/2015: Structure of the C*-algebra of reductive groups II, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
01/2015: Structure of the C*-algebra of reductive groups I, Functional Analysis Seminar, Dartmouth College
01/2015: The Weil-Brezin mapping and Shannon's Sampling Theorem, GTNA reading group (2 talks)
12/2014: Introduction to Fourier analysis, GTNA reading group
11/2014: Seminar Quantum Geometry, Berkeley
10/2014: New Hampshire Operator Theory Symposium, Dartmouth College
10/2014: Seminar Functional Analysis (2 talks), Dartmouth College
09/2014: Colloquium of the Mathematics Department, Dartmouth College
09/2014: Seminar Functional Analysis, Dartmouth College
03/2014: Seminar of the Mathematics Department, University of Reims
05/2013: Seminar Operator algebras, University Paris 7
04/2013: Seminar Lie groups and Representation Theory, University of Tokyo
04/2013: Seminar Noncommutative Geometry, Penn State University
04/2013: Seminar Geometry, Analysis and Physics, Penn State University
01/2013: Meeting of the Research Federation GDR TLAG Lie Theory, University of Cergy
01/2013: Seminar Functional Analysis, University of Lille 1
01/2013: Seminar Lie groups and Harmonic Analysis, University of Nancy
01/2013: Seminar Topology and Dynamics, University of Orsay
12/2012: Seminar Harmonic Analysis, University of Luxemburg
11/2012: Seminar Harmonic Analysis, Louisiana State University
07/2012: Summer institute Noncommutative Geometry, Fudan University, Shanghai
09/2011: Seminars Noncommutative Geometry and Geometry, Analysis, Physics, Penn State University
01/2011: Seminar Lie groups and Representation Theory, University of Tokyo
12/2010: Seminar Geometry, algebra, operator algebras, University of Clermont-Ferrand
11/2010: Seminar Analysis, geometry, algebra, University of Metz
08/2010: Summer school Around the Baum-Connes Conjecture, Indiana University, Bloomington
07/2010: Oberseminar series Perturbations of nuclear C*-algebras, University of Münster
06/2010: Seminar of the Mathematics Department, University of Reims
04/2010: Seminar Ergodic theory, University of Rennes I
02/2010: Training group Infinite-dimensional Lie groups, University of Münster
01/2010: Seminar Noncommutative harmonic analysis, University of Caen
12/2009: Seminar Geometry and analysis of symmetries, University of Paderborn
11/2009: Oberseminar C*-algebras, University of Münster
05/2009: Seminar Analysis, Geometry, Algebra, University of Metz
03/2009: Seminar Noncommutative Geometry, University of Neuchâtel
01/2009: Seminar Operator algebras, University of Orléans
Last modified on January 31, 2025. |